Inside Our Homeschool…

Ever feel like your homeschool doesn’t look like anyone else’s or that you aren’t doing enough to teach your kids?  It’s easy to look around and compare our own messy homeschool to the snapshots we see of other homeschool families around town or online.  

Join me as we peek into the life of those other homeschool families.  We are visiting eight homeschool families to see what “Normal” at their house looks like.  I can’t wait to share their stories with you.  

Posts will publish through September 20, 2022, check back later if a link isn’t working yet.

You’re invited to join our our special Homeschool Community. No two homeschools are alike but that doesn’t need we don’t need community! In the Outside the Box Homeschool Community, you can find your people. No matter what your homeschool looks like you are welcome! Monthly workshops to encourage you and space to ask your questions. Come join us!